When on call, all residents cover all of the major institutions associated with the program. More senior residents can exercise their judgment with regard to reviewing patients with staff, but it is expected that junior residents will discuss new problems or patients with staff when they are seen. Residents are scheduled to be on call on average 1 in 4.
The program has been organized to gain the maximum possible exposure for residents to various aspects of dermatology in relation to general medicine. Most of this occurs in relation to hospital consultations from other services, both in adult medicine, pediatrics and cancer therapy. A significant AIDS population at St. Paul’s Hospital provides experience in this important new aspect of medicine. There is no specific tropical medicine service but because of travel and immigration patterns, residents are exposed to disorders such as leprosy and cutaneous tuberculosis, although on an sporadic basis.
Allergy and immunology in relation to skin disease are dealt with practically in the Patch Test Clinic and in the Immunodermatology Clinic where agents such as cyclosporine are used. Consideration of radiotherapy occurs at the BC Cancer Agency where two radiotherapists attend new patient Skin Tumor Clinic with dermatologists.
The Psoriasis & Phototherapy Clinic serves as a clinical resource for resident education. In this setting, a resident will manage many forms of psoriasis and learn the basics of phototherapy.